Thursday, January 30, 2014

01.30.14: Action over thought (Meditation Message)

You are spending too much time thinking and as a result, work is not getting done. Going over the steps repeatedly in your mind can be a great visualization technique, but if you are not careful you will get stuck. The time for action is now. If you think to yourself, I need to call someone, then do it. Your guides are trying to propel you in the right direction. Direct action is the key for today. (Please note that this does not apply to any thoughts or actions that would lead to the physical, emotional, verbal or mental abuse of another living thing. If you are having dark thoughts seek help immediately.)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

01.28.14: Turn off the noise (Meditation Message)

The distractions are many and as the world continues to devour itself in news stories and social media, you are losing touch with the truth. The 'noise' that results pushes you further from your path. It is time to turn down the noise by removing yourself from the very things used to create it ( television, radio, facebook, Twitter, etc). Sit in quiet for a few minutes, establish your day in your mind and then go, focused on what needs to be done. Use this mantra to assist: "The noise is off and I am present. I walk in conscious power and complete the tasks at hand."

Monday, January 27, 2014

01.27.14: Meditation Message: Ear to your heart

Listen to your heart. The answers are always within. You must release the distrust and disregard with which you treat yourself, forgive your past mistakes and start trusting your heart now. With renewed dedication, you can begin again. You can handle what is before you.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

01.26.14: Meditation Message

They have cleared the way. If things have "fallen through", been canceled or just have never come to fruition, do not worry. Your guides are clearing the way so that you can work on the necessary projects. Do not succumb to disappointment or despair because a once sure thing is no longer. Instead, accept and trust that the door that has closed has in fact freed you up for something that requires your immediate attention. Be aware and use your time wisely now to avoid self loathing and regret later.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.24.14

Carve out time for self-reflection today. What do you need? Ask for help from your guides and they will provide. Don't worry or allow negative thoughts to take root. The day's outcome will depend on your inner thoughts.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.23.14

Stop comparing. Your need to compare comes from a place of ego and not of love. Instead of looking to what others are doing, invoke your abilities within. You have gifts and talents in abundance, but you fear the responsibility that comes with their use. Trust your instincts and your guides. Go forward and be who you truly are.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.22.14

Time to unplug and move away from distractions. You have work to do. Don't waste precious time sitting idle. Take a break from social media, Netflix, Hulu, You Tube, etc. Suggestion: Write in your own hand first, instead of typing things out to start. Projects can be completed in record time with your undivided attention. Allow your Guides to show you the way.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.20.14

Don't let your truth be diminished. Not everyone sees things as you do. That is fine. However, do not allow your truth to be usurped or negated. Trust your instincts and your guides. Accept what is your starting point and resolve matters or establish boundaries from a place that speaks to you. This is not permission to be delusional, but a practice whereby respect for your point of view results in the consistent  honoring of your truth and knowing.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.19.14

Keep the ones you love close today. Spend time with those who love you and raise their vibrations in return. The path can be a lonely one, but we must never forget to see those around us that wish us well and support in times of need. Return the favor in kind.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.18.14

Do you have all of your tools? Is it time to replenish? Find or acquire new ones? The tools that support your connection to Spirit and ritual need to be assessed. Where old tools no longer serve you, get rid of them. If the tools you now need don't exist, create them. Either way, today is all about making sure that your aids are cleaned, sharpened and ready.

Meditation Message: 01.18.14

Do you have all of your tools? Is it time to replensish? Find or acquire new ones? The tools that support your practice, help you connect with Spirit and aid in your rituals need to be assessed. Where old tools no longer serve you, get rid of them. If the tools you now find need for do not exist, create them. Either way, today is all about making sure your aids are cleaned, sharpened and ready.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.17.14

Pace yourself. Your need for completion is recognized, but the fight to move at "break-neck" speed means you miss important markers in your development. Instead, move consciously. Be aware of each task from fruition to completion. Understand why the task must be done and how you benefit. There is a lesson in everything we do. Don't miss it because you are moving so fast.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.16.14

Seize the day! Embrace your tasks with joy in order to get them done. Embrace your movements with gratitude in order to see them through. All you can do is your best. Having done so, whatever today's accomplishments, big or small, should be celebrated.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.15.14

As you move through your day, don't forget to breathe. The act of breathing, fully and consciously, is a reminder to stop and acknowledge. Breathe in deep and give thanks for the moment. Breathe out and release worries and fears. Use breath to stay present and aware.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.14.14

Ask for what you need today.  Don't limit your possibilities in thinking you must "go it alone". Your guides, spirit and earthbound, are here to assist you in your quest. To "go it alone" is a selfish act of ego and benefits no one. Embrace the love in your life and allow it to do your bidding.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.13.14

Clear your head by doing your to-dos instead of thinking about them. Do not allow yourself to get trapped in the head space where all that is possible can start to overwhelm. Instead, take the tasks to be done and actively strike them off your list. Less thought and more action will lead to actual movement in the earth plane and more of a connection with Spirit.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.12.14

Purge yourself of that which no longer serves you. Move into a space where faith is your guide and love is your path. In embracing who you are, you shed who you were. The lightness of being that emerges is one that is clear on what the next steps should be and walks unafraid into the light. Be who the light requires, and you will be who you need.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Meditation Message: 01.11.14

Go outside and see what nature has to say. Don't allow how you feel about the current weather to disrupt your path to the divine. Instead, see the changing season as an opportunity to reinvent yourself through a cleansing. Find your soul in the trees and the air around you. Make today a celebration; for life, as we know it, is fleeting. Do nothing and your stagnancy is secure. Move, and your path is in view. Either way, the choice is yours.