In preparation for an annual conference, I decided to fast. I enjoy fasting and lead group fasting sessions as a way to help those not used to fasting and support experienced fasters. I find that every fast is different. Some are effortless, while others can be extremely challenging. This recent experience was a little of both.
The plan was seven days. Odd numbers for me anyway, are more powerful and I tend to work with herbs and rituals that encompass odd numbers. The week went by quite nicely, although in the midst of the week,we have been finalizing promotional materials. I have also been on spring break from classes, which is another reason I was excited to fast.I have started my Bikram yoga practice again and was able to two days while fasting, so needless to say, it was coming together.
On Thursday this week, one of my clients had a gig and we were up until about 5am working on the promo piece after that. When I finally went to sleep, I had strange dreams that included an accidental murder and band gig where the band got paid in the dream I ate a lamb chop.
I woke up extremely disorientated and had a "hit" that I had pushed to hard.I was able to get up and finish the remaining work and went off to work a double shift at the herb store.A little after 5pm, I felt it-a burning sensation in my upper abdomen. The pain was familiar, but not something I had experienced in over 10 years when I was diagnosed with an ulcer.
I became slightly concerned after the pain increased and resulted in dry heaving. For those not familiar that is when you throw-up but there is nothing in your system. None of the water or tea came up as it had been absorbed from fasting, so I took heed and ate something.
Ayurvedically speaking, I am considered high fire. I make decisions quickly and am constantly on the move on various projects. The fire is necessary and when it is low or goes out, I become sluggish and heavy, on the other hand when the fire is out of control, it is just as damaging. I had to call on my support group to work things out while I tended to self and today I feel much better.Eating helped where drinking did not and sleep also brought things to a managable balance.
The lesson, know thy self. Instead of just liquids, I probably should just do raw foods at this time, where my fire is higher. It was a good run though, fasting brings change for me and it's clear in my space and my physical form that things are clearer.In the end it was a great experience and despite how I came out of it, to know my fire is that powerful is oddly enough, more endearing than disturbing.
Settle in for A Snake of A Year
*A Way to Return*
As in all things I am never really predictable, least of all to myself. So
after a much needed break, I am back. And honestly it was no...
4 weeks ago