The most common piece of advice for this time is to avoid making any large purchases and signing any new contracts, and to be prepared and aware of various forms of miscommunication (think missed appointments, failed contracts, etc). These are all true, but there are some other elements to retrograde are worth mentioning for the benefits they provide.
- Double and triple check. If you were already in talks, or working on a project before retrograde ( I usually say at least three weeks prior) contracts and negotiations can effectively continue. The key is to pay close attention to everything you write, say and do. Regardless of how long you have been working on a project, communication can still be affected by retrograde, so tread thoughtfully.
- Use this time to look back and reflect. I see this as a good time to quiet things down and review what has happened. You may find things to improve upon once you have looked at what you have already accomplished. Susan Miller says the words beginning with "re-" are key during retrograde. Consider re-connecting with old rituals and practices, hobbies and people. Retrograde does not have to be all gloom and doom. You can find all sorts of forgotten treasures in looking back.
- Get rid of old stuff. Clear out the clutter, old clothes, negative thoughts, etc. Since you are already looking back, apply this to your physical and mental space as well. If it no longer serves you, release it. I find that this is a great time to rearrange my personal space. The results usually increase my energy and productivity.
- Don't forget your tools. You are equipped in your awareness. Use the knowledge you have on Mercury Retrograde to your advantage. Think of it as foresight that allows you to navigate around potential misunderstandings and conflicts and to minimize blowback.
The key to managing Mercury Retrograde is patience and thoughtfulness. Allow room for errors, don't take responses or a lack thereof personally, and use this time to sort and discard. By seeing the beauty that retrograde can be, you can use a time dreaded by so many as a springboard to get ahead. Let me know how it goes.
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